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‘Relay for Life’ Mini Project
We were part of the ‘Relay for life’ Mini Project.
We were happy to providing a $3,000 new interior for free, for such a great cause.
We have been heavily involved in restoring an awesome bright yellow Mini, which will be auctioned for ‘Relay for Life’ which raises funds for those affected by Cancer.
At Mortimer Upholstery and Marine Covers, we are getting stuck in, getting the Mini up and ready to go. Recently, we featured in a Nelson Mail article about the project.
Have a read of the article here >
Pictured above:
Retired mechanic Bob Croy, left, with Ian Mortimer, Mitch Hewson and Caleb Hill of Mortimers Auto Upolstery in Richmond, in the mini they are restoring to raffle at next year’s Relay for Life.
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